
Vincent, W. (In Press). Willingness to use digital health screening and tracking tools for public health in sexual minority populations in a national probability sample: A quantitative, intersectional analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research. doi: Impact Factor: 7.4.

Vincent, W., Siconolfi, D. E., Pollack, L. M., Campbell, C. K., Kegeles, S. M., & Storholm, E. D. (In Press). What's in your dataset? Measuring engagement in HIV care using routinely administered items with a population disproportionately burdened by HIV. AIDS and Behavior. doi: Impact Factor: 4.4

Storholm, E. D., Siconolfi, D. E., Campbell, C. K., Pollack, L. M., Kegeles, S. M., Rebchook, G. M.., Tebbetts, S., & Vincent, W. (In Review). Structural inequities, syndemics, and resilience: The critical role of social support in overcoming barriers and empowering engagement in HIV care for young Black sexual-minority men in the US South. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. doi: Impact Factor: 3.9

Ramos, S. D.*, Vincent, W., Siconolfi, D. E., Pollock, L. M., Horvath, K. J., Campbell, C. K., Tebbetts, S. Kegeles, S. M., & Storholm, E. D. (In Press). Differential associations of depressive symptomology to HIV care engagement among young Black sexual minority men with HIV (YBSMM+) in the US South: A multi-group analysis of mood, intimate partner violence, and alcohol use. AIDS and Behavior. doi: Impact Factor: 4.4

Vincent, W. (2023). Evaluation of several psychological distress questions as a singular screener during a global crisis in a national probability survey in the United States and applicability to future crises. Psychiatry Research, 328, 115424. doi: Impact Factor: 11.3

Ogunbajo, A., Siconolfi, D., Storholm, E., Vincent, W., Pollack, L., Rebchook, G., Tan, J., Huebner, D., & Kegeles, S. (2023). History of incarceration is associated with unmet socioeconomic needs and structural discrimination among young Black sexual minority men (SMM) in the United States. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 100(3), 447–458. doi: Impact Factor: 6.6

Vincent, W. (2023). Developing and evaluating a measure of willingness to use pandemic-related mHealth tools using national probability samples in the United States: Quantitative psychometric analyses and tests of sociodemographic group differences. JMIR Formative Research, 7, e38298. Impact Factor: 2.2

Hojilla, J. C., Sarovar, V., Lam, J. O., Park, I., Vincent, W., Hare, C. B., Silverberg, M. J., & Satre, D. D. (2023). Sexually transmitted infection screening in key populations of persons living with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 27, 96-105. Impact Factor: 4.4

Vincent, W., del Río-González, A. M., Neilands, T.B., & Bowleg, L. (2022). Resilience and its limits: The roles of individual resilience, social capital, racial discrimination and binge drinking on sexual behavior among Black heterosexual men. Archives of Sexual Behavior. Impact Factor: 3.8

Vincent, W., & McFarland, W. (2022). Missed opportunities for healthcare providers to discuss HIV preexposure prophylaxis with people who inject drugs. International Journal of Drug Policy, 110, 103873. Impact Factor: 4.4

Siconolfi, D., Storholm, E. D., Vincent, W., Pollack, L., Rebchook, G. M., Huebner, D. M., Peterson, J. L., & Kegeles, S. M. (2021). Prevalence and correlates of sexual violence experienced by young adult Black men who have sex with men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 3261-3636. Impact Factor: 3.8

Gordon, D. M., Moore, K., Vincent, W., Iwamoto, D. G., Campbell, C., … Jundkins, A. (2021). Intimate partner violence among low-income fathers: Testing a stress-coping model. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(2-4), 1634-1659.  Impact Factor: 2.5

Vincent, W., Carrico, A. W., Dilworth, S. E., Fuchs, D., Neilands, T. B., Moskowitz, J. T., & Flentje, A. (2021). Intersecting minority statuses and tryptophan degradation among stimulant-using, sexual minority men living with HIV. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 89(3), 156-165. Impact Factor: 5.9

Vincent, W., Lin, J., Veloso, D., Miller, D., & McFarland, W. (2021). Homelessness, HIV testing, and the reach of public health efforts for people who inject drugs, San Francisco, California. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 221, 108560. Impact Factor: 4.2

Vincent, W., Peterson, J. L., Huebner, D. M., Storholm, E. D., Neilands, T. B., Rebchook, G. M., Pollack, L., Tan, J. Y., & Kegeles S. M. (2020). Resilience and depression in young black men who have sex with men: A social-ecological framework. Stigma and Health, 5, 364-374. Impact Factor: 3.0

 Vincent, W., Sevelius, J., Lippman, S. A., Linnemayr, S., & Arnold, E. A. (2019). Identifying opportunities for collaboration across the social sciences to reach the 10-10-10: A multilevel approach. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 82, S118-S123. Impact Factor: 3.6

Vincent W., Peterson, J. L., Storholm, E. D., Huebner, D. M., Neilands ,T. B., Calabrese, S. K., … Kegeles, S. M. (2019). A person-centered approach to HIV-related protective and risk factors for young Black men who have sex with men: Implications for pre-exposure prophylaxis and HIV treatment as prevention. AIDS and Behavior, 23, 2803-2815. Impact Factor: 4.4

Harrison, B., Vincent, W., Meyer, J. P., Bodnar, S., Kershaw, T., Sikkema, K. J., … Hansen, N. B. (2019). Depressive symptoms, physical symptoms, and health-related quality of life among older adults with HIV. Quality of Life Research, 28, 3313-3322. Impact Factor: 3.5

Storholm, E. D., Huang, W., Siconolfi, D. E., Carrico, A. W., Vincent, W., Rebchook, G. M., … Kegeles, S. M. (2019). Sources of resilience as mediators of the effect of minority stress on stimulant use and sexual risk behavior among young Black men who have sex with men. AIDS and Behavior. Impact Factor: 4.4

Calabrese, S. K., Earnshaw, V. A., Krakower, D. S., Underhill, K., Vincent, W., Magnus, M., … Dovidio, J. F. (2018). A closer look at racism and heterosexism in medical students' clinical decision-making related to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP): Implications for PrEP. AIDS and Behavior, 22, 1122-1138. doi: Impact Factor: 4.4

Vincent, W., Pollack, L. M., Huebner, D. M., Peterson, J. L., Steward, W. T., Rebchook, G. M., Storholm, E. D., & Kegeles, S. M. (2017). HIV risk and multiple sources of heterosexism among young black men who have sex with men. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 85, 1122-1130. doi: Impact Factor: 5.9

Vincent, W., McFarland, W., & Raymond, H. F. (2017). What factors are associated with receiving a recommendation to get tested for HIV by health care providers among men who have sex with men? Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 75, S357–S362. doi: Impact Factor: 3.6

Vincent, W., Fang, X., Calabrese, S. K., Heckman, T. G., Sikkema, K. J., & Hansen, N. B. (2017). HIV-related shame and health-related quality of life among older, HIV-positive adults. Journal Behavioral Medicine, 40, 434-444. doi: Impact Factor: 3.6

Vincent, W., Peterson, J. L., & Parrott, D. J. (2016). The association between AIDS-related stigma and aggression toward gay men and lesbians. Aggressive Behavior, 42, 542-554. Impact Factor: 2.9

Vincent, W., Gordon, D. M., Campbell, C., Ward, N. L., Albritton, T., & Kershaw, T. (2016). Adherence to traditionally masculine norms and condom-related beliefs: Emphasis on African American and Hispanic men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 17, 42-53. doi: Impact Factor: 2.7

Fang, X., Vincent, W., Calabrese, S. K., Heckman, T. G., Sikkema, K. J., Humphries, D. L., & Hansen, N. B. (2015). Resilience, stress, and life quality in older adults living with HIV/AIDS. Aging and Mental Health, 19, 1015-1021. doi: Impact Factor: 2.8

Vincent, W., Parrott, D. J., & Peterson, J. L. (2011). Effects of traditional gender role norms and religious fundamentalism on attitudes, anger, and aggression toward gay men and lesbians. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 12, 383-400. doi: Impact Factor: 2.7

Vincent, W., Parrott, D. J., & Peterson, J. L. (2011). Combined effects of masculine gender role stress and sexual prejudice on anger and aggression toward gay men. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41(5), 1237–1257. doi: Impact Factor: 2.5

Parrott, D. J., Gallagher, K. E., Vincent, W., & Bakeman, R. (2010). The link between acute alcohol use and aggression toward sexual minorities: an event-based analysis. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 24, 516-521. doi: Impact Factor: 3.4

Vincent, W., Peterson, J. L., & Parrott, D. J. (2009). Differences in African American and White women's attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. Sex Roles, 61, 599­-606. doi: Impact Factor: 3.8

Parrott, D. J., Peterson, J. L., Vincent, W., & Bakeman, R. (2008). Correlates of anger in response to gay men: effects of male gender role beliefs, sexual prejudice and masculine gender role stress. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 9, 167-178. doi: Impact Factor: 2.7

Vincent, W., Andrasik, F., & Sherman, R. (2007). Headache treatment with pulsing electromagnetic fields: a review of the literature. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 32, 191-207. doi: Impact Factor: 3.0